Liebe Vereinskameraden,
Ende 2022 hatte der 100 Marathon Club Deutschland e. V. zur Teilnahme an einer Umfrage von Leo Lundy aus dem irischen 100MC aufgerufen. (Link zur Ausschreibung vom 09.12.2022) Nun stellt Leo die ersten Ergebnisse zum Thema Multimarathonläufer vor.
Unser Statistiker Christoph Wenzel hat für unsere Mitglieder eine Übersetzung ins Deutsche erstellt - herzlichen Dank an Christoph für die Übersetzungsarbeit: Demographie des Mulimarathonlaufs.pdf
Hinweis: Um den Originaltext in englischer Sprache zu verstehen, sind gute Englischkenntnisse oder ein Übersetzungsprogramm (z. B. Google Translator) erforderlich.
Leo Lundy schreibt am 25.09.2023:
"I am starting to publish some of the results of the research project into multi-marathoning.
Phase 1:
Results of the survey: Demographics, culture, and participatory nature of multi-marathoning – an observational study
You can preview and download a preprint version of the headline results at the link below. Choose 'Download PDF' from the 'Preview PDF' section. Any comments on improvements please send to .
Phase 2:
Physiological: Following on from our current lab work, I will be doing further in-person fitness level testing of multi-marathoners. Initial indications are multi-marathoners’ fitness markers are in the top 5-10% of their age group and that they are gleaning the health benefits of cardio-vascular fitness as they age.
Cognitive: Following from our current lab work, I will be doing further in-person cognitive testing of multi-marathoners. This battery of tests will analyse cognitive function of multi-marathoners relative to the general public by age group.
Psychological: this short follow-on survey will analyse personality traits of multi-marathoners, and the reasons why we do what we do.
Note 1 : Phase 2 in-person testing will be at labs hosted at a few select events around Europe from early 2024. This includes Ireland, UK, Finland and possibly Italy and Poland. This list is under constant review and may extend beyond Europe.
Note 2: If you want to distribute the survey results, I believe it best to keep things in context and to copy the text above and publish with the link to the PDF. If you want to host a mobile lab at a multi-day event in 2024 then please contact me on
Regards, Leo"